3 Winter Wellness Drinks To Keep You Healthy

Raise a glass (or a mug!) of one of these wellness-boosting beverages that will help you stay happy and healthy through the holidays.

Cold Season Tea

It may be the season for holiday cheer and get-togethers aplenty, but it’s also the start of the ever-dreaded cold and flu season. Instead of over-the-counter drugs that may have some nasty side effects, reach for a cup of herbal tea to warm you up and keep you healthy.

Yogi Cold Season tea contains a blend of Ayurvedic warming herbs including ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon that can support respiratory health. In fact, a study published in the East African Medical Journal found that extracts from the ginger plant were able to fight bacteria from common respiratory bugs, including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Other herbs in this tasty blend include peppermint, eucalyptus, and basil that are also known for their ability to warm up cold bodies. 

Get Your Greens

The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest coming up with ways to sneak more vegetables in our diets. How about flooding your system with nutrients from green vegetables, including swiss chard, celery, cucumber, and romaine lettuce with a bottle of #GetYourGreens cold-pressed juice from Project Juice?

The ingredients in this juice will help your body flush out toxins and balance electrolytes with an added bonus of hydrating your skin during these cold winter months. Green vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin A, C, and K, which are important for a strong immune system and strong bones as well as minerals such as manganese, iron, and calcium.

Sparkling Probiotics

There are loads of benefits to taking a daily probiotic, starting with optimizing gut health. A growing body of research shows that a healthy gut is linked to a stronger immune system, which can help you fight off cold and flu germs before they make you sick.

An article published in a 2017 issue of the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine looked at data from 14 clinical trials and found that study participants who took probiotics had fewer upper respiratory tract infections than study subjects who were given a placebo.

KeVita’s Sparkling Probiotic drinks contain four strains of live probiotics in flavors such as Blueberry Cherry, Hibiscus Berry, Pineapple Coconut, and Lemon Cayenne. These drinks are made with water kefir and not milk kefir, so they’re a great option for vegans and those with dairy allergies.

Supplement Help!
Supplement your winter wellness with these top three picks from Nutrofit LLC.

Max Power Greens
This greens and fruit blend makes it easy to get the equivalent of five fruit and vegetable servings in one convenient scoop. With ingredients such as broccoli, kale, and tart cherry powders, this formula is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can be easily added to eight ounces of cold water or your favorite protein shake. This product is 100 percent vegetarian and dairy-free.

This sugar-free liquid supplement delivers all 13 essential vitamins and over 15 minerals with antioxidants and plant-based nutrients to keep your immune system going strong. Vit-Acell contains l-Glycine for muscle growth maintenance as well as glucosamine sulfate to support healthy joints. The liquid formula is absorbed rapidly and comes in great-tasting flavors including Citrus Blast and Raspberrry Lemonade.

Naturliga 100% Vegan Protein
Research has shown that inadequate protein intake can cause a number immune-related problems. Naturliga 100% Vegan protein provides a high-quality pea protein isolate that’s rich in glutamine and BCAAs in a great-tasting drink. The gluten-free, dairy-free blend is also non-GMO with no added sugar. Flavors include Chocolate Silk and Vanilla Swirl.