What Does It Take To Be Fit After 40? Just Ask This Woman

She’s not a morning person, but Roya Tehranchi starts each day at the gym. With four kids and a full-time job, it’s the only way she can be sure that her workout won’t get skipped. The 47-year-old competes in bodybuilding shows, but says her approach to fitness can work for anyone. “My theory on a fit lifestyle is based on consistency,” Tehranchi said. “About an hour a day is all it takes, but you must make this hour a way of life. Again, it’s consistency not insane cardio, crazy heavy lifting, or fad diets.”

Many people in their 40s and 50s give up on clean eating and a regular workout routine because they expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. They get discouraged when they realize that, with the slow-and-steady approach, they will only lose about a pound a week.

But, Tehranchi points out, that pound a week adds up to 25 pounds in six months and 50 pounds in a year. “You don’t have to kill yourself in the gym as long as you are in there five to six days a week,” she adds. “I usually do about 30 to 40 minutes of cardio, the stationary bike or incline walk, and 20 to 30 minutes of weights, lifting a different muscle groups each day. That’s it.”

Tehranchi has two sons in college, a daughter in high school, and a son in elementary school. She is also a co-owner of a busy breakfast and lunch café in Sausalito, California, located on the edge of the San Francisco Bay near the Golden Gate Bridge. With a lengthy commute, a demanding workday, and her kids’ activities, the morning workout is a must for Tehranchi. If she waits until later, she’s just too tired to make it happen. “It’s critical to get morning workouts in and done before I start a long, long day,” she said. “It’s such a satisfying feeling to leave the gym with the day still early and have your workout behind you.”

For Tehranchi, the 5 or 6 a.m. wakeup call starts not with coffee, but with Max Muscle FBX 2.0 or FBXXX. The pre-workout supplement is enough to jumpstart her morning and get her moving at the gym. “A shot of pre-workout in a bottle of water and I can conquer anything,” she said. After the workout, Tehranchi replenishes with Max Gourmet Pro protein or Athlete’s Choice Pro 360 protein.

Working out alone is not enough, according to Tehranchi who says meal prep is just as important. She insists the healthy meals must be consistent and they must also be enjoyable. She suggests that people do their own research on clean eating and find several recipes that sound appealing and provide enough variety. Then, she said, spend time each weekend prepping those meals in plastic containers. The rest of the week, the food is ready to grab on the go.

“Too many people try to eat a dry chicken breast and kale without dressing five times a week and then, they give up,” Tehranchi said. “You have to like what you are eating. Find dishes that are easy to prepare. Once you have found five or six different dishes, then you have the variability to keep you interested in your diet.”

If the clean eating stays consistent, she thinks it’s OK to mix in a restaurant meal, a dessert, a glass of wine, or a muffin with your coffee now and then. The key is to eat the prepped meals 75 percent of the time so you can afford to reward yourself occasionally, but not every day. “When you eat your muffin or donut, realize you are cancelling out the positive effects of a couple clean meals,” Tehranchi said. “After realizing that, you will want that muffin less and less.”

A trick that she uses to combat her sweet tooth in the evening is sugar-free popsicles. She lets them melt until they are slushy. This makes for a delicious treat and conquers the urge for a bowl of sugary cereal or ice cream.

Three Steps to Get There
Tehranchi shared three steps anyone can take to consistently meet health and fitness goals. They are as follows:

1. Find a gym near your house that is quiet—no lines for equipment, no crowds, no extra frills that cost money. You just need the basics such as treadmills, bikes, and basic weight machines offered at mom-and-pop gyms.

2. Go to the gym every morning. Take a pre-workout mix and a set of headphones to play your favorite music. Make your workout challenging but comfortable, and do it every day for one hour. If you miss one day, it’s not a big deal. Just stay committed. Feed your muscles with protein and glutamine post workout.

3. Shop for groceries on Sunday and do basic food prep. Use salt-free seasonings and guilt-free salsas to flavor your food. Buy plastic containers with lids and fill them for your week. Reward yourself with whatever you want, but make sure that 75 percent of the time you are eating right. If you like wine, beer, or soda, cut back gradually so you can stick to it.

Her Supplement Stack
Pre-workout: FBX 2.0 or FBXXX in flavors of Extreme Orange, Pink Lemonade, or Power Punch
Post-workout: Gourmet Pro or Athlete’s Choice Pro 360 protein mixed with Max Glutamine

Note: These supplements are available at your local Nutrofit LLC store

Her Workout Regimen
30-40 minutes of cardio plus 20-30 minutes of weights, 5 to 6 days a week

Her Fitness Philosophy
Create a food and fitness routine that is comfortable and enjoyable so that you can stick with it consistently for the rest of your life.

By Jessica Wyland